Thursday, July 16, 2009

oh dear!

OH MY! This baby is killing me. She is so cute! I seriously need to hire a photographer to take pictures of her though. It is MISERY to try and get her to sit still and look at me. I'm old news, I think. Here, she is wedged in a chair and can't move her legs. I'm such a mean Mommy!
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Unknown said...

She IS so cute! Look at that hat. She looks good in a hat, by golly.

Unknown said...

And know I have seen that hat in real life! Now that I look at this picture again, I really like the...effect? The editing? It's good coloring is what it is. P.S. Bruce loves Malea (is that spelled correctly?)

Beth said...

I'm so glad you like the editing! It's kind of a vintage look and I seem to remember you ordering a bunch of vintage pics or your little bebe's. I'm SO glad Bruce loves Malia. If they got married wouldn't their kids be GORGEOUS!