Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'm Sorry Mama!

This had to be one of the funniest moments to date with Malia. Somehow she got a pen in her crib during naptime. She sure is an artist! Her nose was decorated as well as her leg, and the sheet (which I never could get cleaned). When I went in to get her, I asked her what happened, showed her her leg and she started bawling. She kept pointing to her leg, looked up and cry cry cried! She was saying sorry, but I just had to laugh at her. She just couldn't get over it!

P.S. Anyone know how to get ball point pen out of cotton? :(
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Melanie said...

Beth, it's Mel from KK. I found you and I think you have the cutest kids ever! You are so talented at what you do! I have loved looking through your photos!

Beth said...

Hey Melanie! How you doing? Email me sometime! :)

jacksonhaleywarrenandhaus said...

Hairspray or window cleaner might do the trick