Monday, May 14, 2012

JesseBug! 18 months


Oh Baby! I love this kid. He is the best ever. I laugh everyday because of him. If he isn't sticking stuff in electrical outlets or trying to swing from our kitchen light over the table, he's being sweet and hysterical. I do have to watch him every waking moment, but what a freaking doll! He is such a joy. It's breaking my heart that he is growing up so fast. I wish he could stay in his little pint sized body forever! 
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chocolatemessx10 said...

WHAT A DOLL HE IS!!! He is such a happy baby and I love hearing him giggle. Cute pictures Bethie!

Shannon said...
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Shannon said...

Oh, how I want this baby! I am so glad to live so close to him, b/c I am completely in love with him!!